May 10, 2009

Last update: Almost done

540c68ad.JPGLong time no see! We've moved to Chiba, Japan.
This is the last update. Thank you for visiting.

Yoshi, Maia Mia and I are doing good. They started walking, eat more, sleep well. We've been busy, but like our new house. We moved back to Japan on March 31st. Since we didn't have the place to live, we stayed at a hotel for a week. It was hard for us, because Maia and Mia had been suffering from jet lag. They fell asleep in a car, but they woke up when the car stopped. They played in the middle of night. They often made noises:( It made me exhausted and also mentally fatigued.

Anyway, we found our new house in Chiba on April 5th. It is close to my parents' house / farm. The rent is pretty expensive, however, it's much better than staying at a hotel. The house is pretty new (9 years). We moved in this house on April 8th.

After moving in, we had to buy many things. We bought a car, a washing machine / dryer (2 in 1), a refrigerator, a TV, 2 call phones, dwawers etc. It wasn't good timing to buy those appliances. In Japan, schools and companies start in April (like a fiscal year). So people buy them in March. Many things were out of order. We waited to get them for 1-2 weeks. Fortunately, my parents washed our clothes...

I met with an unexpected difficulty. I thought "5years" is not short time.

Mia had roseola last month. I guessed when she had a high fever, and asked Yoshi to get some medicine (antipyretic). Though he went to a drug store, he couldn't buy it. In Japan, we couldn't buy antipyretic for under 3 years at a pharmacy. That's incredible!! We had to go to a pediatric. In addition, we waited to see a doctor for 1 and half hours. The pediatric was crowed (we don't need a appointment, but we have to wait.) Mia's temperature went up. It was very hard to see her. Finally, we got some medicine, but I should've brought some "Infant Tylenol" from the U.S.

This house is getting our house. We got some furniture from a strage. Air cargos and 48 cargos (the 1st shipping) have already arrived in April. The rest of cargos (about 85 boxes) will arrive on May 15th. Coming soon! I'm not sure if we have plenty of space to store for them, but I want to finish everything. After that, I'll feel relieved.

The area aroud our house is really good. People are very friendly and kind. Though I thought people in CT is more friendly and kind than those in Japan, it isn't right. I used to live near Tokyo. That's why people wasn't very friendly. Living in the countryside give s me a lot of opportunity to talk with people. Everyday some people call us. Of course the reason is Maia and Mia (on a double stroller). I'm really happy to talk with many people.

Some girls (5th grade) we met on the street visited our house twice. They enjoyed playing with Maia and Mia. I talked to their mothers about it just in case, and I met their mothers too!! The majority of residents in my community are in my parents' age. It's comfortable for me.

Now Yoshi and I are looking for our real nest. The area we live is much better than I thought, so we started searching a condo or a land for sale on line. During the Golden Week (public holidays) we visited some model houses and house makers. We hope we'll move in 2 years, because this house's period of contract is 2 years.

I miss my friends in CT, but I don't have a plenty of time to feel sad. It takes 100 minutes from our house to Yoshi's office. He doesn't have over work ( because of cut down on expenses). Nonetheless he leave home at 6:30 a.m. and come back 7:30 p.m.. It's a long day. Usually, I take Maia and Mia my parents' farm and we have lunch there. The farm is perfect to play and walk for them.

Many people help us a lot - in CT and in Chiba, Japan. I can't do anything in return so far. I say "Hello" to everyone when I walk. That's the only thing I can do.

I welcome to have company. We have a guest room. Please visit and stay over!
God bless you and your family!!

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March 14, 2009

16 days to move

Hi, there!
How have you been?

We're doing good.

I just can't belive that we have to move back to Japan in the end of this month (March). I feel more than "Time flies", like "Everythins has gone in a flash". I don't remember what I did in February.

I only know Maia and Mia has been growing day by day. They are changing their stage so quickly. It's getting hard to catch up with the speed. Of course, their growth makes me happy though.

Hope to update this blog more...

Since I don't have time to write, I'll put some pictures asap. Enjoy!

January 12, 2009

Happy New Year!

"Happy New Year!" It's too late though.:(

It was a quite different holiday season. I totally forgot thinking about my new year's resolution. I and Yoshi have been taking care of our twins. They give us happy and busy days. Actually I'm not very busy, however, they are young (of course,) and energetic! I get tired before they feel tired. It happens often.

Anyway, we all had a happy, healty, noisy new year's day. Thank you!
I atttach pictures of Maia and Mia. They're growing very quickly.


December 23, 2008


a1a13f1c.JPGDear Friands and Family,

Wishing you the best of the season
and throughout the New Year!

From the Panya's

Maia and Mia is now 8 months.

-My home is now baby-safe.
-They have 2 teeth.
-Getting into the stages of crawling! Something like this: from a sitting position to all fours, to rocking back and forth, to finally pushing off with the knees -- and then starting to move back (rarely forward).
-Talking a lot and some look like "human" words, "OK!" "I did it!" "Get it!" "DaDaDa" "Atta!"(I found it! in Japanese.) "Ita!"(Here he/she is! in Japanese.) "Itai, Itai" (Ouch, Ouch! in Japanese.)
-They know "Bye bye" and sometimes wave their hands.
-They do not like sitting up. No more!
-Love to stand up with holding furniture and pull theirselves to move their position.
-Everything goes into their mouths.
-Less slobber than last month.
-Able to play with the other (Mia, Maia) for a while (sometimes over 1 hour) nicely.
-They do not like changing diaper, because they have to lie down.

Fun and Busy Days. To me, everything is behind especially in December. I can't believe that today is December 23! Hope to catch up with my calender and have a healty holiday and the happy new year.

It's going to the White Christmas this year.This is the last (and the first for Maia and Mia) holiday season in CT. I'll have fun!

November 30, 2008

The first snow of the year

It's snowing! When Maia and Mia play in our living room, it sarted snowing (7:40ish). This is the first snow of the year and the first snow for Maia and Mia. though I don't want heavy snow, I'm happy that they saw snow.
They sometimes stare at it snowing. Snowing seems to be a mysterious thing for them. I'd like to show them a snowman sometime this winter.

November 26, 2008

Could be a hugest sale?

Tomorrow is the Thanksgiving Day, then Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming! After Thanksgiving this year seems to be the hugest in past 4 years to me. Don't you think so (everyone in CT)? Many stores make a huge sale not be it in an average year because of the bad time(?), and some are new to me.
read more?

November 25, 2008

The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony 2008

Though I gave up seeing the Macy's Thanksgiving Prade in NYC (impossible with babies!!), I wanna go and see the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree!

An extract than " :New York City Travel".
Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Dates: 2008:
* Tree Goes Up: November 14, 2008
* Tree is Illuminated: Wednesday, December 3, 2008
* Tree Comes Down: January TBD, 2009
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーread more?

November 12, 2008

7 months old!

9928b3a3.JPGTime flied. Time flies. Time will fly.
OMG! 4 months to go... I have a lot to do.

"Maia and Mia are now 7 months old."
I'm very happy that they have been staying healthy. They talk each other and laugh togeter. Even Yoshi and I can't understand their language, they enjoy talking. Viva twins!
Maia and Mia started baby food - apple, acorn squash, banana, carrot, sweet potato, rice cereal. They eat well. So far so good!


ctdayori at 14:50|PermalinkComments(0)TrackBack(0)clip!Maia & Mia 

November 04, 2008

Presidential election 2008

I VOTEPresidential Election Day, NOV 4th 2008

I got a bodysuit for Maia and Mia.
It says

I VOTE for a change!
(my diaper's wet)

Isn't it pretty?

BTW, the official site of "Barack Obama and Joe Biden" is

God Bless the United States of America.


October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Maia & Mia's 1st Halloween!

It was "PERFECT" mild weather in CT. Yoshi held Mia and I held Maia in Elmo-s for trick or treating. We just went to our close friends' houses and our club house in our condo. It took a 20 minute walk. That was enough for us! By the time, Maia fell asleep in my arm. Since they won't remember it, I took their picture in memory.

We got a lot of candy! I can eat them, but we also got play dough. Umm...



